Netzfundstücke 08.01.2017

Zum Auftakt ein Artikel, der mir so etwas von aus der Seele gesprochen hat: Success Theater. Er greift darin auch einen Gedanken auf, über den ich schon länger schreiben wollte: Ego-Ziele. Außerdem die Woche unter anderem die Idee des saisonalen Bloggens sowie der meines Erachtens sinnvollste Vorsatz für das kommende Jahr. Bevor ich es vergesse: guten Start in 2017!

Success Theater …
"[...] It’s hearing you hit the quarterly goal, but knowing the corners you had to cut (and the people who will have to clean up the mess), listening to someone rattle off vanity metrics that say nothing, but claim everything, or being told you’re not a team player for having some doubts about a recent 'win'. It’s all optics and smoke and mirrors, and the experience sucks. To anyone who takes their craft seriously, there’s no escaping that crappy feeling."

Blogging is Back, with Darren Rowse

Interessant fand ich nur den Schluss, dafür reicht es, das Transkript zu lesen.
"I don’t know why a blog has to produce content every day. We’ve already said that it doesn’t. It doesn’t have to produce it every week. But what if it produced it three posts a week for three months? Then, it took a month off, and then all of those posts related to each other that were designed to take people from point A to point B.

In some ways, it’s kind of similar to what I used to do with 31 Days to Build A Better Blog. It was, 'This month, this is what we’re doing, and we’re going to do it together.' I guess you could make it more of a theme on an aspect of your topic, and it becomes a bit more of an event that people share. [...]"

An Alternate Resolution to Transform Your Blogging in 2017

Ein kurzer Podcast von Darren Rowse.
"[...] What gain do you want to help your readers to achieve in the year ahead? What good habit do you want to help to develop in your readers in the year ahead? What change, positive change, do you want to help bring about in their lives? What achievement do you want to help them to make? Think about your readers. Who are they? What are their pains, their obstacles, their problems, and what are the gains, the hopes, the dreams that they have? Identify one of those things that you can help your readers to work on in the year ahead."

Side Hustle School

Chris Guillebeau möchte dieses Jahr jeden Tag (!) einen Podcast veröffentlichen, in dem er Geschäftsideen vorstellt, die sich neben einem Vollzeit-Job umsetzen lassen. Ich bin gespannt. Die ersten Folgen sind jedenfalls vielversprechend.

Let 2017 Be the Year of Working Hard and Resting Hard

Einer der sinnvollsten Vorsätze, von denen ich in der letzten Zeit gelesen habe.
"[...] I hereby grant everyone the permission to declare the #CrushIt decade finished. January 2017 will be the official start of the 'Work Hard, Rest Hard' decade. We are going to hustle, sure. But we’re also going to rest. In fact, we’re going to be as good at resting as we are at crushing things."

Zum Abschluss noch ein Gedanke von Patrick Rhone.

"The plan you have will usually be replaced by the plan you have time for."

Foto: Alice Donovan Rouse auf Unsplash