Diese Woche Links über "Slack Fridays". Freitage ohne Termine, um sich beim Zeitmanagement wie ein Millionär im Tante-Emma-Laden zu fühlen. Ein langes Interview mit Tina Roth-Eisenberg, swissmiss, unter anderem darüber, warum so viele Menschen unglücklich sind. Außerdem ein Podcast mit Daniel Pink, Autor von "To Sell is Human". Darin erklärt er, was Amateure vom Rest der Menschheit unterscheidet.
Creating Slack: The Quick Scheduling Trick To Make Your Week Most Productive
Einfach einen Tag in der Woche freihalten, um Dinge zu tun, die den Rest der Woche über liegen geblieben sind. Sich so Freiräume zu schaffen, statt sich ständig von Deadlines unter Druck setzen zu lassen. So hält es zumindest Laura Vanderkam. Der Grund?
"Having slack in your schedule is the equivalent of being a millionaire in the grocery store. If the yogurt isn’t on sale and apples are 30 cents more a pound than they were last year, it’s all good. [...] Slack in your schedule likewise lets you laugh off a late meeting or shrug if someone misses a deadline by a few hours. You’ve got space to cope. And that space lets you make calmer decisions than you would make in its absence."
Tina Roth-Eisenberg, swissmiss, im Interview. Sehr lange. Hier ein paar Auszüge:
"'The reason that most of us are unhappy most of the time is that we set our goals—not for the person we’re going to be when we reach them—we set our goals for the person we are when we set them.' [Anm.: Ein Zitat von Dan Gilbert] That was an epiphany for me when I realized that I didn’t want to have clients or a design studio. I realized I needed to work my way toward being independent and having my own products."Einen Rat, den sie Unternehmer oder Designer, die gerade starten, geben würde:
"Believe in side projects. Tattly was a side project; swissmiss was a side project; CreativeMornings was a side project; TeuxDeux was a side project. These are all things that turned into revenue streams for me and made it possible to not have clients. I would never hire anyone who doesn’t have side projects. To me, that shows that someone has ideas, self-initiative, and can make things happen."
392: Dan Pink: To Sell Is Human, so stop fighting it!
Hörenswertes Interview mit Daniel Pink, Autor des Buches "To Sell is Human". Interessant ist auch sein "Success Quote":
“Inspiration is for amateurs; the rest of us just show up and get to work.” Chuck CloseWarum ihm das bei seiner Arbeit geholfen hat, erklärt er im Interview.