Netzfundstücke 30.04.2017

Diese Woche der Happy Birthday Hack. Außerdem Genug ist Genug sowie falsche Fragen, die man stellt.

Reactivate subscribers w/ The Happy Birthday Hack
"The theory is that if you email 'Happy Birthday' to a large group of inactive subscribers, a considerable amount is likely to have just had a birthday, or have one coming up. Furthermore, in order to target everyone (whether or not it's close to their birthday), you can say 'Happy [belated] Birthday' in the subject line and include a message stating that you do special birthday promos and that you're sorry if you missed their big day. Even if it's nowhere near their birthday, the reader may still find humor in the email and re-engage."
Funktioniert so was? Schon jemand ausprobiert?

"At a party given by a billionaire on Shelter Island, Kurt Vonnegut informs his pal, Joseph Heller, that their host, a hedge fund manager, had made more money in a single day than Heller had earned from his wildly popular novel Catch-22 over its whole history. Heller responds ... 'Yes, but I have something he will never have ... ENOUGH.'"
Dieses Enough, Genug, lässt sich auf viele Bereiche anwenden. Fast schon einen Blogartikel wert.

Asking the wrong questions

Der Artikel hat bei mir die Woche am längsten nachgehallt. Grund ist der letzte Satz aus diesem Absatz:
"So, a pretty common theme of discussion in tech now is to ask what comes 'after' mobile, now that it is moving from the creation to deployment phase and the smartphone platform wars etc are over. [...] But every time I think about these, I try to think what questions I'm not asking. [...]"
Wie oft scheitern wir an der Lösung, weil wir schlicht die falschen Fragen stellen?

Die Woche außerdem:

Einfach anfangen

"Wie oft bringt man sich, gerade auch im Vertrieb, um großartige Möglichkeiten, weil man nicht den ersten Schritt macht. Dabei ist es doch ganz einfach."

Developer Camp 2017

Es gibt noch Tickets. Dabei sein lohnt sich, 2017 umso mehr, versprochen!

Foto: Luis Orellana auf Unsplash