Schon eine Weile her, dass ich meine Netzfundstücke veröffentlicht habe. Es ist daher eine ganz schön lange Liste, darunter ein Artikel, warum Telefonakquise-Bemühungen im Sande verlaufen sowie ein Artikel über "Schöner Scheitern". Darüber hinaus verrät Derek Sivers seine Preis-Philosophie und Ryan Reisert erklärt, wie man 100 Vertriebsaktivitäten pro Tag hinbekommt, beispielsweise Anrufe.
Case Study: The 30-Minute Habit That Transformed Kelly’s Blog
"I started setting a timer first thing in the morning and working on the blog for 30 minutes. Now it’s just what I do."Es lohnt, auch diesen Podcast dazu anzuhören: "Is Your Blog Being Hurt by Your Obsession to Create New Content?"
Good Sales Emails
Learn how some of the best companies are doing sales, by looking at their email campaigns.
This is the #1 reason why cold calling campaigns fail
"Cold calling isn’t dead. Sales teams just focus on the wrong metrics."Zum Beispiel fragen sie selten nach der reach rate, also wie viele der angerufenen Personen hast du erreicht? Wichtige Frage, denn bei der Telefonakquise geht es ja nicht um die Weltmeisterschaft im Telefonnummerntippen, sondern um Gespräche. Daher auch die wichtige Frage:
"Ask yourself, 'Does my ideal customer actually buy over the phone?'"
Hier noch weitere Artikel zum Thema "Telefonakquise". Unterhaltsam fand ich: "Afraid of cold calling? Turn your fear of failure into fearlessness".
"'Fail with every call!' For the rest of the day, he should call people and make them hang up on him. His mission was to fail miserably.
To make it more fun, I told him fail in a different way with each call. 'Start with speaking painfully slow and unenthusiastic', I told him."Dazu hatte ich auch schon einen Artikel geschrieben: "Vertriebsziel: 10 Neins kriegen".
How to Prioritize Decisions as a Team with a Questions and Assumptions Activity
"[...] I continue to use it here at Zapier to create a shared understanding of what we don’t know and what we think we know about our users. [...]This activity is great to do almost anytime–when kicking off a project, mid-project to track if you’ve debunked or answered any questions you started with, or if your questions and assumptions have changed over the course of a project."
Pricing philosophy
"One time a college far away in Ohio, about a 12-hour drive, asked what I would charge to do a two-hour show.
I said, '$1500'.
She said, 'Oh, that’s a bit too much. What would you charge to do just a one-hour show?'
I said, '$2000'.
She said, 'No, wait, you’ll be performing less, not more!'
I said, 'Yeah! Exactly! What you’re paying me for is to get there!'"
This is the #1 reason why cold calling campaigns fail
"SDRs [Sales Development Representatives] are reaching out a ton, but the ethic of Reisert’s prospecting method is actually to ensure that reps are always doing the right activity at the right time."
Warum ich gerade so wenig blogge
Ich organisiere derzeit die erste Wuerzburg Web Week, eine Veranstaltungswoche rund um das Thema "Digitalisierung" mit aktuell mehr als 70 Veranstaltungen.
Foto: Igor Ovsyannykov