Steht uns das Wissen, wie Marketing sein sollte, im Weg? Die Frage war Ausgangspunkt für das Buch "Killing Marketing – How Innovative Businesses are Turning Marketing Costs into Profit." Diese Woche in den Netzfundstücken ein Interview mit dem Autor. Außerdem die besten Gmail-Add-ons sowie Ideen für Blogartikel, sog. Writing Prompts.
How to Turn Marketing Costs Into Profit
Joe Pulizzi, Autor unter anderem "Epic Content Marketing", von hat ein neues Buch veröffentlicht, "Killing Marketing: How Innovative Businesses are Turning Marketing Costs into Profit". Das Buch habe ich nach diesem Podcast gekauft, aber bislang noch nicht gelesen.
"[...] we opened up with was what if everything we know about marketing today is what’s holding us back? [...] instead of just being the department that makes pretty pictures or the department that spews out advertising or that makes cold calls or that tries to convert customers using all manner of collateral material, marketing the function actually becomes that which builds and creates customers, which we’re now calling audiences.Wer statt den Podcast zu hören, lieber das Transkript lesen möchte, hier der Link.
[...] You know Robert [Anm. Co-Autor] talks about from Johnson and Johnson all the time and how they created this standalone media property that enables them to not only sell more of their stuff but to create more products and services that they never thought was possible.
Kraft has done the same thing with Kraft Food and Family. So those types of things that we’re seeing where you can actually say, oh if we build an audience that’s loyal and trusting to us, and they start to look to us for guidance, we can actually transform the business into something that we weren’t even prepared to do. And by the way, this model is in full effect right now with"
The 25+ Best Gmail Add-ons, Labs, and Apps
"I needed a daily random writing prompt but one that was geared towards my daily themes for the day. So I started making one."
Coole Idee. Mehr dazu hier.
Aus dem Blog-Archiv
"It's been seven years" – über Ziele und Vorsätze
Über jemanden, der wissen wollte, wie er seine Schreibblockade überwinden könnte.
"George Pransky fragte den Autor immer wieder, warum das denn ein Problem sei? [...] 'It's been seven years!' Schließlich sagte George Pransky, das einzige, was das zeige, ist, dass wir Menschen einfach schlecht im Schätzen sind."
Foto: Eric Ward