The feedback you've been waiting for
Ist es nicht schön, gelobt zu werden? Positives Feedback zu bekommen? Nur bedingt, findet Seth Godin.
"You did a great job. This is exactly what I was hoping for. I wouldn't change a thing. You completely nailed it, it's fabulous. Of course, that's not feedback, really. It's applause."Was wäre stattdessen besser? Das erklärt er in seinem Artikel.
The #1 Relationship Building Habit You Should Do Daily
Ein Artikel zum Thema Networking, und warum man Zeit dafür investieren sollte. Patrick Ewers, Relationship Management Coach (eine Bezeichnung, die ich auf meiner Visitenkarte ergänzen könnte), schreibt darüber, was er bei seinen Kunden beobachtet hat:
"The best opportunities to grow their businesses came from their existing network and were often completely coincidental – someone ran into someone else and then referred that person to my client."
"[...] Put plainly, a venture capitalist doesn’t find deals on Google Adwords. He finds them through introductions from people he knows and trusts."Er empfiehlt daher:
"[...] identify the top 20-30 legends in their life. Legends are individuals who have consistently demonstrated that they’re the most willing and able to support you. He then asks his clients to consider, 'How many have you touched in the last 30 days?' They often discover that the answer is less than 50%. Given who these people are, they’re leaving a huge amount of value on the table for themselves and for their network."
Bonus Episode: The one with Brian Kurtz
In Kontakt bzw. in Erinnerung bleiben ist auch Thema dieses Gesprächs zwischen Brian Kurtz und Joe Polish über Direct Response/Direct Mail. Sie diskutieren aber auch darüber, wie sich etwa online und offline Marketingmethoden verbinden lassen.
Tool-Tipp: Social App Map
Die Social App Map von Software Advice enthält eine Liste mit Social Media Tools, die sich nach verschiedenen Kritieren filtern lassen:
- Social Media Monitoring
- Social Media Management
- Social Media Marketing/Advertising
- Social CRM
- Social Communities Business Collaboration
"[...] goal was to create an interactive tool companies could use to quickly find and compare the best social media applications."
Why Marketers and Advertisers Should Not Listen to the Godfather [INFOGRAPHIC]
Ein Artikel über "Der Pate". Klar, dass er in den Netzfundstücken aufgeführt wird, oder? Es wird darin ein Zitat von Michael Corleone aufgegriffen: "It's not personal, Sonny. It's strictly business."
Der Autor meint jedoch:
"Sorry Michael and with all due respect, but when it comes to the world of marketing and advertising in the year 2014 (and beyond) it is both personal AND business."Interessanter als der Artikel selbst ist die Infografik am Ende: "Why Companies should invest in the Customer Experience". Es unterstreicht meine Aussage aus meinem Blogpost "Unwort des Jahres 2014 - Kategorie Business", dass wir Freunden/Bekannten, selbst uns unbekannten Kunden (etwa bei Rezensionen) mehr vertrauen als Werbung:
- "Only 4% of customers trust advertising the most as a source for product or service information."
- "40% of consumers began shopping with a competitor because they heard about that company’s reputation for good customer service."